07 Dec

Kindle Support Australia

A Kindle might freeze due to many reasons just like any other device with a hard drive. Restarting it is something anyone can accomplish in just a couple of minutes and will likely solve the problem. To avoid freezing in future, always keep your device from running very low on battery and stay apprised of new software updates, particularly if they pertain to resolving a known malfunction.

Follow these steps to solve this issue: -

  • Update your software:- Keeping your system up to date may reduce the problem of frozen screen. If you are uncertain about whether your device has the latest software or not, check the version of the software in your device's "Settings" menu.

  • Low battery:- A frozen device may be the result of a low battery. If you know that your device’s battery is low, then connect it to a power source. After it has fully charged, restart the device by holding down the power button.

  • Reset it:- If your device is not responding, a reset will reboot the system. Just like on a computer, the reboot will force Kindle to close down and restart itself. This will typically fix the situation.

  • Still facing this problem? Repair it:- If low battery is not the problem, software is updated and you are still facing this problem then we highly recommend you to contact a certified technician.

These are the common problems which indicate freezing of Kindle and you can follow these time-saving and simple steps to fix it.

If you have any doubt or face any issue with your Kindle, then please contact our Kindle Technical Support Helpline Number 1-800-431-498. We provide real-time solutions for all your software and technical needs. 

Also, Read This Blog: How to Unlock a Kindle Device? 

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